
Rosa Alonso Alonso
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2010. "Developing a course in academic writing for learners of English as a second language". In Cal Varela, Mario, Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier, Gómez García, Lidia and Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (eds.), Current Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning. An International Perspective. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10) I.4438 1967-0, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-1967.1, pp. 73-89.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2011. "Research methods in Second Language Acquisition". In Susan House (ed.), Inglés: Investigación, innovación y buenas prácticas. Teacher Development. Barcelona: Editorial Grao. ISBN 978-84-9980-096-7, pp. 73-89.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa
. 2011.  "The translation of motion events from Spanish into English: a cross-linguistic perspective".  Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 19.4: 353-366.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa, ed. 2011. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 8: 1-238. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa, ed. 2012. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 9: 1-159. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2012. "Writing a research paper for the humanities". Aula Aberta 40.2: 119-124.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa, María Alonso Alonso and Laura Torrado Mariñas. 2012. "Hedging: an exploratory study in pragmatic transfer in non-native English readers’ rhetorical preferences". Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos 23: 47-64. ISSN 1139-7421.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Marta Dahlgren, eds. 2013. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 10. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa
. 2013. Reviewer of the translation of Terapia Ocupacional y Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne, originally published by Wiley and Sons Ltd. Original title: Occupational Therapy and Duchenne Muscular Distrophy. ISBN10/13: 84-695-3155-7/978-84-695-3155-6. Spanish edition: Barcelona, 2013. ISBN: 978-84-690-9256-9. Federación Española de Enfermedades Neuromusculares - 2013 <http://www.asem-esp-org>.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2013. “Motion events in L2 Acquisition: The boundary-crossing constraint in English and Spanish”. US-China Foreign Language, 10: 738-750.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Marta Dahlgren, eds. 2014. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 11. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2014. "Teaching speaking: An exploratory study in two academic contexts". Porta Linguarum 22: 145-160.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2014. Review of María del Pilar García-Mayo, María Junkal Gutiérrez Mangado and María Martínez Adrián, eds. 2013. Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Atlantis 36(1): 203-207.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Marta Dahlgren, eds. 2015. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 12. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2015. "Boundary-crossing events in Spanish learners of English: A study of motion INTO events". In Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano and Alberto Hijazo-Gascón, eds. New horizons in the study of motion: Bringing together applied and theoretical perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 64-79.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa, ed. 2016. Cross-linguistic influence in Second Language Acquisition. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. ISBN: 9781783094813.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa, Teresa Cadierno and Scott Jarvis. 2016. "Cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of spatial prepositions in English as a Foreign Language". In Rosa Alonso Alonso, ed. Cross-linguistic influence in SLA. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. ISBN: 9781783094813.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2016. "Cross-linguistic influence in the interpretation of boundary crossing events in L2 acquisition". Review of Cognitive Linguistics 14.1: 161-182. [Special issue Applying Cognitive Linguistics. Figurative language in use, constructions and typology, edited by Ana María Piquer-Píriz and Rafael Alejo-González].
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Marta Dahlgren, eds. 2016. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 13. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Marta Dahlgren, eds. 2017. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 14. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2017. "Translating motion events into typologically distinct languages". Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.2017.1387578.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa, ed. 2018. Speaking in a Second Language [AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 17]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978 90 272 0044 0.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2018. "Speaking in a Second Language: where are we know?" In Rosa Alonso Alonso, ed. Speaking in a Second Language [AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 17]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978 90 272 0044 0, pp. 225-240.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa
and Marta Dahlgren, eds. 2018. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 15. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Jarvis, Scott, Rosa Alonso Alonso and Scott Crossley. 2019. "Native language identification by human judges". In M. J. Gutierrez-Mangado, M. Martínez Adrián & F. Gallardo Del Puerto, eds. Cross-linguistic influence: From empirical evidence to classroom practice. New York: Springer, pp. 215-231.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (dir.), Rosa Alonso Alonso, Mario Cal Varela, Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Francisco Xabier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García, Paula López Rúa, Yonay Rodríguez Rodríguez & José Ramón Varela Pérez. 2019. Diccionario electrónico de enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas. (Available online: ISBN: 9788409109715.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Marta Dahlgren, eds. 2019. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 16. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2019. “A multicompetence perspective of hedging in L2 writing”. Onomázein 45: 58-78.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2020. La transferencia lingüística: perspectivas actuales. Granada: Comares. ISBN: 978-84-9045-934-8, 160 pp.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2020. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 17. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2021. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 18. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2022. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 19. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2022. "Thinking-for-translating in comics: A case-study of Asterix". Perspectives (published online: 3 May 2022). DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.2022.2063062
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2022. “A multicompetence perspective on the use of conjunctions in writing in English as a Second Language for academic purposes”. Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos 28/1: 121-141.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2022. "Contacto con el inglés como L2 fuera del aula: perspectivas de los aprendices de lenguas". RAEL: Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 21(1): 74-90.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2023. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 20. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa. 2023. Factores individuales en el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas. Berlin: Peter Lang, 338 pp. ISBN 978-3631-87950-4. DOI 10.3726/b20300
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2024. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 21. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.

Isabel Balteiro Fernández
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel and Miguel Ángel Campos. 2010. "La evaluación en Fonética Inglesa. La opinión de los alumnos". In Cifuentes, J.L. et al. (eds.), Los caminos de la lengua. Estudios en homenaje a Enrique Alcaraz Varó. Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, pp. 1281-1295. ISBN: 978-84-9717-137-3.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2010. "Foreign words in the English of textiles". In Linde, A. and R. Crespo (eds.), English in the European Context: The EHA challenge. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 127-150. ISBN: 978-3-0343-0088-9.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2010. “Word Formation and the Translation of Marvel Comic Book Charactonyms”. VIAL 7, pp. 31-53.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel and Miguel Ángel Campos Pardillos. 2010. “A Comparative Study of Latinisms in Court Opinions in the United States and Spain”. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 17/1, pp. 95-118.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2011. “Awareness of L1 and L2 word-formation mechanisms for the development of a more autonomous L2 learner”. Porta Linguarum 15, pp. 25-34.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2011. “Some Reflections on the Impact of Globalisation in the Teaching and Learning of English in so-called ‘Expanding Circle’ Countries”. Porta Linguarum 16, pp. 75-88.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2011. “Prescriptivism and Descriptivism in the Treatment of Anglicisms in a Series of Bilingual Spanish-English Dictionaries”. International Journal of Lexicography 24/3, pp. 277-305.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2011. "A reassessment of traditional lexicographical tools in the light of new corpora: sports Anglicisms in Spanish". International Journal of English Studies 11/2: 23-52.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2011. "The implications of the English as Lingua Franca paradigm for language teaching". In Crespo, R. and A. García (eds.), ESP teaching and methodology. English studies in honour of Angeles Linde López. Granada: Universidad de Granada, pp. 139-147. ISBN: 978-84-338-5234-2.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2011. "A general overview of fashion anglicisms in Spanish". In Maruenda-Bataller, S. and B. Clavel-Arroitia (eds.), Multiple voices in academic and professional discourse. Current issues in specialised language research, teaching and new technologies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 404-415. ISBN: 978-1-4438-2971-7.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2011. "A few notes on the vocabulary of textiles and fashion". In Balteiro, I. (ed.), New approaches to specialised English lexicology and lexicography. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 65-81. ISBN: 978-1-4438-2577-1.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel and Miguel Ángel Campos Pardillos. 2011. Manual de pronunciaciò anglesa para valencianoparlants. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante. ISBN: 978-84-9717-157-1.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel and J.R. Calvo. 2011. "Translating linguistic creativity: Dubbing and subtitling of slang in A Clockwork Orange into Spanish". In Balteiro, I. (ed.), New approaches to specialised English lexicology and lexicography. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 198-206. ISBN: 978-1-4438-2577-1.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel (ed.). 2011. New Approaches to Specialized English Lexicology and Lexicography. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-4438-2577-1.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel and Miguel Ángel Campos. 2012. "False anglicisms in the Spanish language of fashion and beauty". Ibérica 24: 233-260.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2012. "When Spanish owns English words". English Today 28/1: 9-14.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabe & Miguel Ángel Campos. 2012. "Apreniendo y enseñando el léxico de inglés en la vejez o en edades avanzadas. In José D. Álvarez Teruel & M. T. Tortosa Ybáñez & N. Pellín, coords. Diseño de acciones de investigación en docencia universitaria. Alicante: ICE/Vicerrectorado de Estudios e Innovación Educativa, Universidad de Alicante, pp. 2418-2427.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2013. "Blending in English charactoons". English Studies 94/8:883-907.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2013. "Recursos bibliográficos para el estudio del léxico de inglés". In José D. Álvarez Teruel, M. T. Tortosa Ybáñez & N. Pellín Buades, eds. La producción científica y la actividad de innovación docente en proyectos de Redes. Alicante: ICE-Universidad, pp. 1915-1934.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2014. "The influence of English in Spanish Fashion Terminology: -ing forms". ESP Today Journal 2/2: 156-173.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel & J. R. Calvo. 2014. "General remarks on the challenges of integrating scientific and technical words in general dictionaries". In J.R. Calvo & M. A. Campos, eds. Investigating lexis: Vocabulary teaching, lexicography and lexical innovation. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publising, pp. 103-121.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel & Miguel Ángel Campos. 2014. "El alumno ante la guía docente: desconocimiento, expectativas y realidades". In M. T. Tortosa Ybáñez, J. D. Álvarez Teruel & N. Pellín Buades, eds. El reconocimiento docente: innovar e investigar con criterios de calidad. XII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria. Alicante: ICE-Universidad, pp. 2652-2667.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2016. "A look at metalinguistic jokes based on intentional-morphological reanalysis. In Leonor Ruiz-Gurillo, ed. Metapragmatics of humor: Current research trends. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027240200, pp. 127-143.
Calvo Ferrer, J. R., I. Balteiro Fernández, J. R. Belda Medina, M. A. Campos Pardillos & V. M. Pina Medina. 2017. "Efectos de la destreza tecnológica del alumnado en el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras y su impacto en el contexto docente universitario actual". In Rosabel Roig-Vila, Jordi M. Antolí Martínez, Asunción Lledó Carreres & Neus Pellín Buades, eds. Memorias del Programa de Redes-I3CE de calidad, innovación e investigación en docencia universitaria. Convocatoria 2016-17. ICE: Universidad de Alicante, pp. 2480-2483.
Agulló Benito, I., M. D. Agulló Benito, M. A. Ayala Cantó, I. Balteiro Fernández, M. A. Campos Pardillos & J. Ganga Pérez. 2017. "Nuevas tecnologías como herramientas de apoyo en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje para alumnos de nuevo acceso al Grado". In Rosabel Roig-Vila, Jordi M. Antolí Martínez, Asunción Lledó Carreres & Neus Pellín Buades, eds. Memorias del Programa de Redes-I3CE de calidad, innovación e investigación en docencia universitaria. Convocatoria 2016-17. ICE: Universidad de Alicante, pp. 2325-2337.
Balteiro Fernández, I., I. Agulló, M. A. Campos Pardillos, A. Lledó, E. Llorens, I. Mykytka, R. Perni, S. Prieto, J. A. Sánchez Fajardo & J. D. Sanderson. 2017. "El alumnado universitario ante el lenguaje femenino en inglés en el teatro del s. XXI escrito por mujeres". In Rosabel Roig-Vila, Jordi M. Antolí Martínez, Asunción Lledó Carreres & Neus Pellín Buades, eds. Memorias del Programa de Redes-I3CE de calidad, innovación e investigación en docencia universitaria. Convocatoria 2016-17. ICE: Universidad de Alicante, pp. 1233-1246.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2017. "Metaphor in Ebola's popularized scientific discourse". Ibérica 34: 209-230.
Campos Pardillos, M. A., I. Balteiro Fernández, J. R. Calvo Ferrer, M. C. Guerrero Galán, J. Pastor Pina, P. Pérez Contreras & A. M. Pérez Torregrosa. 2018. Desarrollo de materiales para mejorar la conciencia de género en inglés jurídico y su traducción". In R. Roig-Vila (coord.), J. M. Antolí, A. Lledó Carreres & N. Pellín Buades, eds. Memorias del Programa de Redes-I3CE de calidad, innovación e investigacion en docencia universitaria. Alicante: Universidad, pp. 693-709.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2018. "Emerging hybrid Spanish-English blend structures: 'Summergete con socketines'". Lingua 205: 1-14.  DOI: 10.1016/j.lingua.2017.12.010.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2018. "Oh wait: English pragmatic markers in Spanish football chatspeak". Journal of Pragmatics 133: 122-133. DOI: 10.1016/j.pragma.2018.03.011.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2018. "Non pronominal uses of it: A case study in women's magazines". Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicios 24/1: 18-46.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2019. "The emotional contents of English swearwords in football chatspeak: WTF and other pragmatic devices". In M. Callies & M. Levin, eds. Corpus Approaches to the Language of Sports: Text, Media, Modalities. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 139-159.
Enslinn, A. & I. Balteiro Fernández, eds. 2019. Approaches to videogame discourses: Lexis, interaction, textuality. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2019. "Lexical and morphological devices in gamer language in fora". In A. Ensslin & I. Balteiro, eds. Approaches to videogame discourses: Lexis, interaction, textuality. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 39-57.
Enslinn, A. & I. Balteiro Fernández. 2019. "Locating videogames in medium-specific, multilingual discourse analyses". In A. Ensslin & I. Balteiro, eds. Approaches to videogame discourses: Lexis, interaction, textuality. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 1-10.
Melchor-Couto, S. & I. Balteiro Fernández, eds . 2019. Special issue on Digital Game-based Language Learning: practices, pedagogies and designs. Monograph of Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds 11.
Melchor-Couto, S. & I. Balteiro Fernández. 2019. "Editorial: The beauty of play in twenty-first century language learning". Special issue on Digital Game-based Language Learning: practices, pedagogies and designs. Monograph of Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds 11: 3-7. DOI: 10.1386/jgvw.11.1.3_2.
Balteiro Fernández, I. & L. Bauer, eds. 2019. Special issue of Lexis: Journal in English Lexicology 14: Blending in English. DOI: 10.4000/lexis.1249.
Balteiro Fernández, I. & L. Bauer. 2019. Introduction. Special issue of Lexis: Journal in English Lexicology 14: Blending in English. DOI: 10.4000/lexis.4085.
Balteiro Fernández, I. & G. Bergh. 2019. Special issue of Alicante Journal of English Studies/Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 32: The Language of Sport and Adventure Tourism.
Balteiro Fernández, I. & G. Bergh. 2019. Introduction. Special issue of Alicante Journal of English Studies/Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 32: The Language of Sport and Adventure Tourism, 7-11. DOI: 10.14198/raei.2019.32.01.
Balteiro Fernández, I., I. Espinosa, M. A. Campos, E. Sinyashina, J. A. Sánchez Fajardo, A. Martínez Copete, A. Lillo, J. R. Belda, S. Hernández Terol, I. Agulló & R. Gómez. 2019. "Instagram como nuevo escenario de aprendizaje del léxico no estándar del inglés". In R. Roig-Vila (coord.), J. Antolí Martínez, A. Lledó Carreres & N. Pellín Buades, eds. Memorias del Programa de Redes-I3CE de calidad, innovación e investigación en docencia universitaria. Alicante: Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, pp. 483-499.
Balteiro, I. 2020. "Diseño curricular de integración de los ODS 4, 5 y 10 en la asignatura 'Léxico Inglés L2/LE'". In Gladys Merma Molina, ed. Experiencias de integración de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en el diseño curricular universitario. Barcelona: Graó, pp. 179-203.
Campos Pardillos, M.A. &  I. Balteiro Fernández2020. "Power and Norm-Setting in LSP: Anglicisms in the Language of Fashion Influencers". ILCEA [online], 40. DOI: 10.4000/ilcea.10499.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2020. Las mujeres visibles: letras y humanidades. Alicante: Universidad.
Balteiro Fernández, Isabel & Ekaterina Sinyashina. 2022. "Incidental learning of word stress with captioned authentic videos: The effect of repetition". RAEL: Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 21(1): 19-39.

Mario Cal Varela
Cal Varela, Mario, Francisco Javier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García & Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez (eds.). 2010. Current Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning. An International Perspective. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10) I.4438 1967-0, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-1967.1
Cal Varela, Mario & Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2010. "Electronic language portfolios as a tool for autonomous learning". In Cal Varela, Mario, Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier, Gómez García, Lidia and Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (eds.), Current Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning. An International Perspective. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10) I.4438 1967-0, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-1967.1, pp. 131-144.
Cal Varela, Mario & Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2011. "Learning translation through the use of portfolios: description of an experience". @tic. Revista d’innovació educativa 7: 44-51.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier & Mario Cal Varela. 2016. “El foro de debate en linea en el aula de traduccion”. En Botti Navarro, V. y Fernández Prada, M. A. (eds.), Libro de Actas IN-RED 2016 - II Congreso nacional de innovacion educativa y docencia en red. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, pp. 673-683.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier and Mario Cal Varela. 2017 . "A Description of Asynchronous Online Discussions in Higher Education". In Vargas-Sierra, Chelo (ed.) Professional and Academic Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Epic Series in Language and Linguistics, 2.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier & Mario Cal Varela. 2018. "A structural analysis of student online forum discussions". In F. J. Díaz Pérez & M. A. Moreno, eds. Looking at the Crossroads: Training, Accreditation and Context of Use. Jaén: Universidad de Jaén. ISBN: 9788491591085, pp. 189-200.
Cal Varela, Mario & Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2018. "As novas tecnoloxías no ensino/aprendizaxe da fraseoloxía en inglés". Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega 20: 17-40. eISSN 2605-4507.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (dir.), Rosa Alonso Alonso, Mario Cal Varela, Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Francisco Xabier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García, Paula López Rúa, Yonay Rodríguez Rodríguez & José Ramón Varela Pérez. 2019. Diccionario electrónico de enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas. (Available online: ISBN: 9788409109715.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier & Mario Cal Varela. 2019. "Preparing the ground for critical feedback in online discussions. A look at mitigation strategies". In J. Longhi & C. Marinica, eds. Proceedings of the 7th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (CMC-Corpora 2019). Paris: Université Cergy-Pontoise, pp. 63-67.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio & Mario Cal Varela. 2020. "Designing and compiling a terminological and multilingual dictionary for language teaching and learning. Key issues and some reflections". In María José Domínguez, Mónica Mirazo & Carlos Valcárcel, eds.  Studies on Multilingual Lexicography (Lexicographica series), vol. 157. Berlin, Boston: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 197-212. DOI: 10.1515/9783110607659-011. ISBN: 9783110604672.
Cal Varela, Mario & Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2020. "Preparing the ground for critical feedback in online discussions: A look at mitigation strategies". In J. Longhi & Claudia Marinica, eds. CMC Corpora through the Prism of Digital Humanities. Paris: L'Harmattan. ISBN: 978-2-343-2050-1, pp. 15-34.
Cal Varela, Mario & Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2020. "SUNCODAC: A Corpus of Online Forums in Higher Education". Nexus-AEDEAN 2020(2): 44-52.
Cal Varela, Mario & Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2021. "Referring to other participants in asynchronous online discussions: Citation patterns in a Higher Education context". In Iris Hendrickx, Lieke Verheijen & Lidwien van de Wiingaert, eds. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora (CMC-Corpora 2021), Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands). Nijmegen: Radboud University, p. 35.
Cal Varela, Mario & Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2022. "Referring to other participants in asynchronous online discussions: Citation patterns in a Higher Education context". Psychology of Language and Communication 26(1): 353-374. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2022-17.

Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2012. "The Teaching of English Pronunciation: Some Useful Techniques and Resources". In Álvarez Mosquera, Pedro; Amorós Negre, Carla; Fernández del Viso Garrido, María; Gago Gómez, Laura; García González, Vega María; López Vázquez, Julieta; Martín Aizpuru, Leyre; Sánchez Gutiérrez, Claudia Helena; Sánchez Romo, Raquel (eds.). Actas del XXVI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Jóvenes Linguístas (AJL). Interlingüística 22, vol. 1: 169-182. Salamanca: LusoEspañola de Ediciones, S.L. ISSN: 1134-8941.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2012. "Students´ Views on the Teaching of English Pronunciation in Spain. A Survey-Based Study". In Álvarez Mosquera, Pedro; Fernández Gil, María Jesús; Borham Puyal, Miriam; Díez García, María José; Bautista Martín, Santiago; Ruano García, Javier; García Riaza, Blanca (eds.), Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association of Young Researchers on Anglophone Studies (ASYRAS). Research Challenges for Anglophone Studies in the 21st Century, pp. 51-62. Aquilafuente. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. ISBN: 978-84-9012-174-0.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2013. "La enseñanza de la pronunciación del inglés en Galicia: una asignatura pendiente". In Cabedo Nebot, Adrián; Aguilar Ruiz, Manuel José; y López-Navarro Vidal, Elena (eds.), Actas del XLI Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad  Española de Lingüística (SEL). Estudios de Linguística: investigaciones, propuestas y aplicaciones, pp. 13-20. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia. ISBN: 84-695-7663-1.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2013. "Not Enough Time is Devoted to Pronunciation, I would Like my Textbook to Include other Types of Pronunciation Activities. The Views and Perspectives of EFL Fourth Year Secondary-school Students on the Teaching and Learning of Pronunciation. A Survey-based Study". In Mompeán, J.A. and Fouz, Jonás (eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues & Practices (EPIP3), pp. 10-13. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2013. "Spanish EFL University Students’ Views on the Teaching of Pronunciation: A Survey-Based Study". In Ciarlo, C and Giannoni, D.S (eds.). Language Studies Working Papers, vol. 5: 41-49. Reading: University of Reading. ISNN: 2040-3461.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2013. "Advanced Spanish university students' problems with the pronunciation of English vowels. Identification, analysis and teaching implications". Odisea. Revista de Estudios Ingleses 14: 37-56. ISSN: 1578-3820 - ISSN (edición internet): 2174-1661.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2014. "'He was /gəʊɪn/ to have a /bæθ/’, ‘Twenty /pɒrsent/ of /pɪpel daʊnlɒd /mʊsik/'. A preliminary study of the difficulties shown by Spanish students of different levels of proficiency in the learning of English pronunciation"
. In Paula Rodríguez Puente, Tersa Fanego, Evelyn Gandón Chapela, Sara María Riveiro Outeiral and María Luisa Roca Varela (eds.). Current research in Applied Linguistics: Issues on language and cognition, pp. 124-153. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-44385354-5.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2014. "The teaching of pronunciation in Spain: students' and teachers' views". In Tania Pattison, ed. IATEFL 2013 Liverpool Conference Selections. IATEFL: Faversham, UK, pp. 106-108. ISBN: 978-1-901095-53-1.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2014. "El papel de la pronunciación en las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera en Galicia". Published abstract in A Investigación Predoutoral na USC: Novos camiños: I Encontro da Mocidade Investigadora. Santiago: Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade. ISBN-13: 978-8-4158-7684-7.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2014. 
A Comparative Study on the Importance Given to Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation in EFL Spanish Secondary-school Course Books". In Esther Álvarez López, E. M. Durán Almarza & A. Menéndez Tarrazo, eds. Building interdisciplinary knowledge. Approaches to English and American Studies in Spain. Proceedings of the 37th AEDEAN Conference (University of Oviedo, 13-15 November 2013). Oviedo: KRK Ediciones, ISBN: 978-84-8367-475-8, pp. 215-322.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2014. "Going beyond ʿlisten and repeatʼ and discrimination activities. Ways of teaching pronunciation to ESO and Bachillerato students by using songs"Greta Journal 22: 7-14.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2015. “Using traditional board games in EFL classes to focus on pronunciation". Humanising Language Teaching Magazine (HLT) 17/1. ISSN: 1755-9715.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2016. "Ten tips for teaching pronunciation to high school students"APABAL Magazine 6: 41-45.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2016. "Spanish Students Reflections on the Importance of Written and Spoken Skills in their EFL classes at high school and at university"Revista Electrónica de Linguística Aplicada (RAEL) 15: 1-20.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2016. Review of Szpyra-Kozlowska, Jolanta. 2015. Pronunciation in EFL Instruction. A Research-Based Approach. Great Britain: Multilingual Matters. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 29: 265-269.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2017. Review of Derwing, Tracey  and Munro, Murray. 2015. Pronunciation Fundamentals. Evidence-Based Perspectives for L2 Teaching and Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Vigo International Journal Applied Linguistics (VIAL) 14: 149-155.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2017. New trends and methodologies in applied English language research III: Synchronic and diachronic studies on discourse, lexis and grammar processing. (Linguistic Insights Series). Bern: Peter Lang, ISBN: 9783034327107. [Fifth editor, with Sofía Bemposta, Carla Bouzada, Yolanda Fernández-Pena, Tamara Bouso & Iván Tamaredo].
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2017.  "Contributions of New Technologies to the Teaching of English Pronunciation"Language Value 9(1): 1-35.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2017. Review of Dolors Masats (ed.), Luci Nussbaum (ed.), Melinda Dooly, Cristina Escobar Urmeneta, Emilee Moore y Artur Noguerol. 2015. Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras en Educación Secundaria y Obligatoria. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching and Learning Language and Literature 10(3): 82-89.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2017.  "English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in ESP contexts. Students' attitudes towards non-native speech and analysis of teaching materials". Special issue edited by Ignacio Palacios Martínez & José Antonio Sánchez Fajardo, Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 30: 27-60.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2018. "A Preliminary Study of Plurilingual Teaching Programmes in Galicia. A State of the Art".In Ellison, María; Pazos Anido, Marta; Nicolás Martínez, Pilar & Valente Rodrigues, Sónia (orgs.), As Linguas Estrangeiras no Ensino Superior: Propostas Didácticas e Casos em Estudo. Oporto: FLUP e-Dita, pp. 261-276.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2018. "Getting students to speak in English: an example of a radio programme on TV series". APABAL Magazine 7: 36-42.
Amengual Pizarro, Marian (main editor), Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies, Susana María Cortés, Karen Jacob y Rubén Jarazo (copyeditors). 2018. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 17.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (dir.), Rosa Alonso Alonso, Mario Cal Varela, Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Francisco Xabier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García, Paula López Rúa, Yonay Rodríguez Rodríguez & José Ramón Varela Pérez. 2019. Diccionario electrónico de enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas. (Available online: ISBN: 9788409109715.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2019. "/də/ /'mʊsɪk/ /ɪn'dʊstrɪ/ /jas/ /es'tarted/ /teɪkɪn/ /le'gal/ /ak'ʃɒn/. A preliminary study on the nature and impact of phonological and orthographic transfer in the language of bilingual speakers of Spanish and Galician when communicating in English". In M. Juncal Gutiérrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián and Francisco Gallardo del Puerto, eds. Cross-linguistic influence: From empirical evidence to classroom practice. New York: Springer, pp. 21-47. ISBN: 978-3-030-22065-5.
Aragay, Mireia (general editor), Hortènsia Curell (managing editor), Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Yolanda Calvo Benzies and Javier Ruano García (copyeditors). 2019. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 41.1.
Amengual Pizarro, Marian (main editor), Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Karen Jacob and Rubén Jarazo (copyeditors). 2019. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 18.
Aragay, Mireia (general editor), Hortènsia Curell (managing editor), Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Yolanda Calvo Benzies and Javier Ruano García (copyeditors). 2019. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 41.2.
Aragay, Mireia (general editor), Hortènsia Curell (managing editor), Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Yolanda Calvo Benzies and Javier Ruano García (copyeditors). 2020. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 42.1.
Aragay, Mireia (general editor), Hortènsia Curell (managing editor), Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Yolanda Calvo Benzies and Javier Ruano García (copyeditors). 2020. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 42.2.
Aragay, Mireia (general editor), Hortènsia Curell (managing editor), Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Yolanda Calvo Benzies and Javier Ruano García (copyeditors). 2021. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 43.1.
Aragay, Mireia (general editor), Hortènsia Curell (managing editor), Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Yolanda Calvo Benzies and Javier Ruano García (copyeditors). 2021. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 43.2.
Amengual Pizarro, Marian (main editor), Yolanda Calvo Benzies and Karen Jacob (copyeditors). 2020. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 19.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2020. “ESP Students' Reactions to the Creation of Authentic Simulations Outside the Classroom. A Case Study Involving the Recording of a Business Meeting”. In Gerardo Gómez García, Magdalena Ramos Navas-Parejo, Carmen Rodríguez Jiménez & Juan Carlos de la Cruz Campos, eds. Teoría y práctica en investigación educativa: una perspectiva internacional. Madrid: Dykinson, pp. 1791-1804.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2021. "Gamifying the ESP classroom at university level: A comparative study on Law, Tourism and Social Work students' perspectives on Kahoot". In José Antonio Marín Marín, Juan Carlos de la Cruz Campos, Santiago Pozo Sánchez y Gerardo Gómez García (Eds.), Investigación e innovación educativa frente a los retos para el desarrollo sostenible. Madrid: Dykinson, pp. 394-408. ISBN 978-84-1122-022-4.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2021. “Using English-Learning Apps inside Tourism and Business Classes: Analysis and Critical review”. In Ana Ibáñez Moreno & M. Ángeles Escobar Álvarez (Eds). Mediating Specialized Knowledge and L2 Abilities: New Research in Spanish/English Bilingual Models and Beyond. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 133-152. ISBN: 978-3-030-87476-6.

Andrés Canga Alonso, María del Pilar Agustín Llach, Daniela Cifone Ponte, Alejandra Montero Saíz Aja, María Alonso Álvarez, Fátima Faya Cerqueiro, Zaida Vila Carneiro, Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies, David Martínez Torres, Lourdes Ellacuría Sáez, Rubén Elías Quintas and Pedro José Ballesteros Maínez. 2022. “Innovación educativa en el aula de inglés como lengua extranjera: perspectivas desde la investigación y la práctica docente.” Published abstract in Jornada de Innovación docente de la Universidad de La Rioja 2021: #InnovaDocenteUR: libro de resúmenes, p. 17. Universidad de la Rioja. ISBN: 978-84-09-36603-3.
Amengual Pizarro, Marian (main editor), Yolanda Calvo Benzies and Karen Jacob (copyeditors). 2021. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 20.
Nieto García, Jesús Manuel (general editor), Beatriz Valverde Jiménez (managing editor), Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies, José Ruiz Mas and Xavier Díaz Pérez (copyeditors). 2022. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 44.1.
Nieto García, Jesús Manuel (general editor), Beatriz Valverde Jiménez (managing editor), Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies, José Ruiz Mas and Xavier Díaz Pérez (copyeditors). 2022. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 44.2.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2022. “Contributions of Social Networks to the Learning of English outside the Classroom: A Case Study on the Use of WhatsApp with Tourism Students to Improve their Writing Skills”. In Libro de actas del Congreso Internacional sobre Comunicación, Innovación, Investigación y Docencia (CUICIID 2022), ed. by D. Caldevilla Domínguez. Madrid: Forum XX1, p. 544. ISBN 978-84-09-43242-4.
Amengual Pizarro, Marian (main editor), Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Karen Jacob and Lidia Gómez García (copyeditors). 2022. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 21.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2022. "Using WhatsApp in Tourism ESP classes: A linguistic analysis of the language used, and grammatical mistakes made". HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review/Revista Internacional De Humanidades 11(4): 1–21. DOI 10.37467/revhuman.v11.3973 
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy and Karen Jacob. 2022. “Enhancing students' oral communication proficiency. A preliminary study on the use of Anchor with Tourism ESP learners”. In Transferencia del conocimiento en humanidades y ciencias jurídicas. Innovación docente y educativa en el ámbito de las Filologías, la Lengua y el Derecho. Madrid: Dykinson, pp. 435-459. ISBN: 978-84-1122-491-8
Jacob, Karen and Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies. 2022. "Encouraging student autonomy in EFL and ESP speaking practice: Flip and Anchor". In Transferencia del conocimiento en humanidades y ciencias jurídicas. Innovación docente y educativa en el ámbito de las Filologías, la Lengua y el Derecho. Madrid: Dykinson, pp. 406-434. ISBN: 978-84-1122-491-8.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy  and Karen Jacob. 2022 "Anchor: is it a useful tool for enhancing students' oral communication proficiency?" Published abstract in Educación y transferencia del conocimiento: propuestas de innovación para la mejora docente. Seville: Egregius, pp. 205-206. ISBN: 978-84-18167-83-6.
Jacob, Karen and Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies. 2022. "Using Anchor and Flipgrid to provide opportunities for student autonomy in ESL speaking practice". Published abstract in Educación y transferencia del conocimiento: propuestas de innovación para la mejora docente. Seville: Egregius, pp. 202-203. ISBN: 978-84-18167-83-6.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2023. "The creation of podcasts to enhance the development of speaking and specific vocabulary in authentic contexts: A case study on the use of Anchor with ESP Tourism students". In Óscar Ferreiro-Vázquez, Ana Teresa Varajão Moutinho Pereira Correia and Sílvia Lima Gonçalves Araújo (Eds.), Technological innovation put to the service of language learning, translation and interpreting: Insights from academic and professional contexts. Peter Lang, pp. 29-53. ISBN 978-3-631-88913-8.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2023. "From face-to-face to online business meeting simulations: project-work and the development of soft-skills by tourism ESP students during the covid-19 pandemic". In Libro de actas del Congreso Internacional sobre Comunicación, Innovación, Investigación y Docencia (CUICIID 2023), ed. by D. Caldevilla Domínguez. Madrid: Forum XX1, p. 498. ISBN 978-84-09-48185-9. 
Amengual Pizarro, Marian (main editor), Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Karen Jacob and Lidia Gómez García (copyeditors). 2023. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 22.
Nieto García, Jesús Manuel (general editor), Beatriz Valverde Jiménez (managing editor), Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies, José Ruiz Mas and Xavier Díaz Pérez (copyeditors). 2023. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 45.1.
Nieto García, Jesús Manuel (general editor), Beatriz Valverde Jiménez (managing editor), Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies, José Ruiz Mas and Xavier Díaz Pérez (copyeditors). 2023. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 45.2.
Ruthven, Andrea Robin, Iría María Bello Viruega, Miquel Pomar, Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies and Eugenio Guillermo Iglesias Díaz. 2024. “Retroalimentación y recursos educativos digitales en la adquisición de vocabulario específico y habilidades en producción oral en inglés como lengua extranjera” In Actas de las VI Jornadas de Experiencias Docentes, University of the Balearic Islands, p. 27. Full access here.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy . 2024. “Las redes sociales y el lenguaje informal en el aula universitaria: un primer acercamiento al uso de WhatsApp en la materia de inglés 1 en el Grado de Turismo para incentivar un trabajo colaborativo y el desarrollo de la destreza de producción escrita” In Actas de las VI Jornadas de Experiencias Docentes, University of the Balearic Islands, p. 34. Full access here.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy . 2024. "Introducing WhatsApp in the English for Tourism classroom to foster collaborative writing and the learning of informal language". Abstract book for the 1st International ELT, EFL & ELL Conference (INEEEC). University of Kütahya Dumlupınar (Turkey). ISBN: 978-975-7120-56-8.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. (In press. 2024). "Emphasising project work during the Covid-19 pandemic via an online business meeting simulation. A descriptive approach to soft skills illustrated in the language used by tourism ESP students". In Comunicar a través del idioma: pensar y traducir. Berlin: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-631-91591-2. 
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy and Naara Queiruga Domínguez. (Forthcoming, 2024). "Informal learning in the English for Tourism classroom: A pedagogical approach for exploiting social networks to foster the development of productive skills". Published abstract in Debates y experiencias en torno a la innovación docente: visión actual y prospectiva. Seville: Egregius. ISBN 978-84-1177-078-1.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. (Forthcoming, 2024). "Modernising the English for Tourism classroom with AI resources: Exploiting opportunities to prepare for and excel in job interviews". Published abstract in Debates y experiencias en torno a la innovación docente: visión actual y prospectiva. Seville: Egregius. ISBN 978-84-1177-078-1.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy and Naara Queiruga Domínguez. (In press). "Connecting in-class and out-of-class exposure to English: A social network approach for enhancing soft skills and fostering productive skill development in the English for tourism (EfT) classroom". In Nuevos avances en educación: Metodologías didácticas para la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y educación física. Dykinson. ISBN: 978-84-1070-332-2.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy and Raquel P. Romasanta. (In press, 2024). "Connecting inside and outside the classroom exposure to English: A reflective exploration of ChatGPT in English for Tourism (EfT) lessons to enhance student-teacher collaboration". Book of abstracts La universidad: del reto de la transferencia a la transformación de la sociedad. Egregius.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. (In press). "Levelling up the English for Tourism (EfT) Classroom with Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools: Practical contributions for preparing and succeeding at job interviews". In Revolucionando la docencia universitaria: Innovación educativa en la era de la IA y la Gamificación. Dykinson ISBN: 978-84-1070-329-2.
Jacob, Karen and Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies. (In press). " Hi, Mr John, I want a table for two, follow me: (Im)politeness in customer-service role plays by ESP tourism students". Peter Lang.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy and Karen Jacob. (Under preparation). "Out-of-class contact with English: A comparative study with ESP students".
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy and María Nuria Borrull Cubo. (Under preparation). "'One of the /'θrɪtz/ in our /'aɪslænd/ is the high number of /kɒmpe'tɪtɒrz/ we have*'. 'Today I am going to /'prezent/ to you our /'hɒtel/ which /re'saɪvz/ over two million /kʊs'tɒmerz/ a /ʤɪr/*'. An Analysis and Classification of the Pronunciation Mistakes Made by Tourism ESP Students in Spoken Promotional Presentations".
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. (Under preparation). "EFL teacher trainees' attitudes towards the teaching and learning of pronunciation. A comparative study across three Spanish universities". 
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy and Raquel P. Romasanta. (In press). "Integrating Extramural English with Classroom Instruction: Reflective Insights on the Use of ChatGPT in English for Tourism (EfT) Lessons to Promote Collaborative Learning". Dykinson. ISBN: 978-84-1070-689-7.

Susana M. Doval Suárez
Butler, Christopher S., Gómez González, Mª de los Ángeles and Susana M. Doval Suárez, eds. 2005. The Dynamics of Language Use: Functional and Contrastive Perspectives. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN 90-272-5383-8.
Gómez González, Mª de los Ángeles and Susana M. Doval Suárez. 2005. "On Contrastive Linguistics. Trends, Challenges and Problems". In C. Butler et al., eds. The Dynamics of Language Use: Functional and Contrastive Perspectives. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 20-45. ISBN 90-272-5383-8.
Doval Suárez, Susana M. and Elsa González Álvarez. 2008.  "Categorías semánticas de AT en la lengua escrita de hablantes nativos y no-nativos de inglés". En
Rafael Monroy Casas y Aquilino Sánchez Pérez, eds. 25 Años de Lingüística Aplicada en España: Hitos y Retos. Murcia: Editum, pp. 81-86.
González Álvarez, Elsa
and Susana M Doval Suárez. 2008. "Testing the Cognitive categorisation of 'at' in Native and Non-Native English Speakers. Evidence from a Corpus Study". The Linguistics Journal  3(1): 100-135. ISSN 1718-2298 .
Doval Suárez, Susana M. and Elsa González Álvarez. 2011.  "Take + Noun Sequences in Native and Learner Written Data"RAEL 10 (2011): 55-68.
Taboada, Maite, Susana M. Doval Suárez and Elsa González Álvarez. 2012.  "Functional and corpus perspectives in contrastive discourse analysis". Linguistics and the Human Sciences  6: 1-16. ISSN 1742-2906.
Doval Suárez, Susana M. and Elsa González Álvarez. 2012. "The use of it-clefts in the written production of Spanish advanced learners of English". Linguistics and the Human Sciences 6: 151-172. ISSN 1742-2906.
Taboada, Maite, Susana M. Doval Suárez and Elsa González Álvarez, eds. 2013.  Contrastive Discourse Analysis: Functional and Corpus Perspectives. Sheffield: Equinox, 143-163. ISBN 978-1-908049-75-9.
Doval Suárez, Susana M. and Elsa González Álvarez. 2013.  "The use of it-clefts in the written production of Spanish advanced learners of English". In Maite Taboada et al., eds. Contrastive Discourse Analysis: Functional and Corpus Perspectives. Sheffield: Equinox, pp. 143-163. ISBN 978-1-908049-75-9.
González Álvarez, Elsa and Susana M. Doval Suárez. 2016. "The use of extraposition in the written production of Spanish advanced learners of English". The Linguistics Journal 10(1): 5-27. 
Doval Suárez, Susana M. and Elsa González Álvarez. 2018.  “The use of tag questions in the oral production of L2 English learners”. In Mª de los Ángeles Gómez González and J. Lachlan Mackenzie, eds. The Construction of Discourse as Verbal Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 145-170. ISBN 978-90-272-0141-6.

Raquel Fernández Carril
Fernández Carril, Raquel. 2010. English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in the Galician EFL Context. The Role and Importance of Vocabulary Learning Strategies. Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. ISBN: 978-84-9887-377-1.

Ana Fernández Dobao
Fernández Dobao, Ana. 2010. "Collaborative problem solving strategies in learner-learner and learner-native speaker interaction". In Cal Varela, Mario, Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier, Gómez García, Lidia and Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (eds.), Current Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning. An International Perspective. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10) I.4438 1967-0, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-1967.1, pp. 189-199.
Fernández Dobao, Ana. 2012. “Collaborative dialogue in learner-learner and learner-native speaker interaction.” Applied Linguistics 33/3: 229-256.
Fernández Dobao, Ana. 2012. “Collaborative writing tasks in the L2 classroom: comparing group, pair, and individual work.” Journal of Second Language Writing, 21/1: 40-58.
Fernández Dobao, Ana and A. Blum. 2013. "Collaborative writing in pairs and small groups: Learners? attitudes and perceptions". System 41/2: 365-378.
Fernández Dobao, Ana. 2014. "Attention to form in collaborative writing tasks: Comparing pair and small group interaction". Canadian Modern Language Review 70/2: 158-187.
Fernández Dobao, Ana. 2014. "Vocabulary learning in collaborative tasks: A comparison of pair and small group work". Language Teaching Research 18/4: 497-520.
Fernández Dobao, Ana . 2015. "Usos del metalenguaje en una actividad de escritura colaborativa: hablando sobre el imperfecto y el indefinido". E-Aesla, 1
Fernández Dobao, Ana . 2015. Review of Neomy Storch. 2013. Collaborative writing in L2 classrooms. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. ELT Journal 69/2: 214-216.
Fernández Dobao, Ana. 2016. "Peer interaction and learning: A focus on the silent learner". In M. Sato and S. Ballinger (Eds.), Peer interaction and second language learning: pedagogical potential and research agenda, pp. 33-61.Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Fernández Dobao, Ana. 2018. "Code switching in the Spanish heritage language classroom: Communicative and cognitive functions". In Rosa Alonso, ed. Speaking in a second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp.175-196.
Fernández Dobao, Ana & Julia Herschensohn. 2020. "Acquisition of Spanish verbal morphology by child bilinguals: Overregularization by heritage speakers and second language learners". Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24: 56-68. DOI: 10.1017/S1366728920000310.
Fernández Dobao, Ana & Julia Herschensohn. 2020. "Present tense verb morphology of Spanish HL and L2 children in dual immersion Feature Reassembly revisited". Linguistics Approaches to Bilingualism 10/3: 775-804. DOI: 10.1075/lab.18026.fer.
Fernández Dobao, Ana. 2020. "Exploring interaction between heritage and second language learners in the Spanish language classroom: Opportunities for collaborative dialogue and learning". In W. Suzuki & N. Storch, eds. Languaging in language learning and teaching: A collection of empirical studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 91-110. DOI: 10.1075/lllt.55.04fer.
Fernández Dobao, Ana. 2020. "Collaborative writing in mixed classes: What do heritage and second language learners think?" Foreign Language Annals 53/1: 48-68. DOI: 10.1111/flan.12446.
Fernández Dobao, Ana. 2023. “Pero yo también estoy aprendiendo: Negotiating expert and novice positions in heritage–second language learner interaction". Modern Language Journal 107: 1–23. DOI: 10.1111/modl.12882
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio and Ana Fernández Dobao. 2024. "La flexión de género en ELE. Aportaciones e implicaciones didácticas de un estudio de corpus/Inflection of gender in Spanish as a foreign language. Contributions and didactic implications of a corpus study"Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 19:132-147.

Francisco Javier Fernández Polo
Cal Varela, Mario, Francisco Javier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García and Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez (eds.). 2010. Current Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning. An International Perspective. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10) I.4438 1967-0, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-1967.1
Cal Varela, Mario and Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2010. "Electronic language portfolios as a tool for autonomous learning". In Cal Varela, Mario, Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier, Gómez García, Lidia and Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (eds.), Current Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning. An International Perspective. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10) I.4438 1967-0, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-1967.1, pp. 131-144.
Cal Varela, Mario and Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2011. "Learning translation through the use of portfolios: description of an experience". @tic. Revista d’innovació educativa 7: 44-51.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2012. "'The title of my paper is...' Introducing the topic in conference presentations". In Berkenkotter, C., V.K. Bhatia and M. Gotti, eds. Insights into Academic Genres. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 149-168.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2014. "The role of I mean in conference presentations by EFL speakers". English for Specific Purposes 34: 58-67.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2014. "Native and non-native speaker interpersonal skills at conferences: Managing self-mentions and humour". In Lyda, Andrzej & Krystyna Warchal (eds.), Occupying Niches: Interculturality, Cross-culturality and Aculturality in Academic Research. New York: Springer, pp. 163-178.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2015. Review of Carmen Valero-Garcés. 2014. Communicating Across Cultures: A Coursebook on Interpreting and Translating in Public Services and Institutions. Lanham: UP of America. 216 pp. ISBN: 978-0761861546. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 37/1: 251-255.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier and Mario Cal Varela. 2016. “El foro de debate en linea en el aula de traduccion”. En Botti Navarro, V. y Fernández Prada, M. A. (eds.), Libro de Actas IN-RED 2016 - II Congreso nacional de innovacion educativa y docencia en red. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, pp. 673-683.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier and Mario Cal Varela. 2017 . "A Description of Asynchronous Online Discussions in Higher Education". In Vargas-Sierra, Chelo (ed.) Professional and Academic Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Epic Series in Language and Linguistics, 2.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2018 (2017 online publication). "Functions of "you" in conference presentations". English for Specific Purposes 49: 14-25.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier & Mario Cal Varela. 2018. "A structural analysis of student online forum discussions". In F. J. Díaz Pérez & M. A. Moreno, eds. Looking at the Crossroads: Training, Accreditation and Context of Use. Jaén: Universidad de Jaén. ISBN: 9788491591085, pp. 189-200.
Cal Varela, Mario & Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2018. "As novas tecnoloxías no ensino/aprendizaxe da fraseoloxía en inglés". Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega 20: 17-40. eISSN 2605-4507.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (dir.), Rosa Alonso Alonso, Mario Cal Varela, Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Francisco Xabier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García, Paula López Rúa, Yonay Rodríguez Rodríguez & José Ramón Varela Pérez. 2019. Diccionario electrónico de enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas. (Available online: ISBN: 9788409109715.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2019. Blog Post on Conference Inference. Blogging the World of Conferences:
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier & Mario Cal Varela. 2019. "Preparing the ground for critical feedback in online discussions. A look at mitigation strategies". In J. Longhi & C. Marinica, eds. Proceedings of the 7th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (CMC-Corpora 2019). Paris: Université Cergy-Pontoise, pp. 63-67.
Cal Varela, Mario & Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2020. "Preparing the ground for critical feedback in online discussions: A look at mitigation strategies". In J. Longhi & Claudia Marinica, eds. CMC Corpora through the Prism of Digital Humanities. Paris: L'Harmattan. ISBN: 978-2-343-2050-1, pp. 15-34.
Cal Varela, Mario & Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2020. "SUNCODAC: A Corpus of Online Forums in Higher Education". Nexus-AEDEAN 2020(2): 44-52.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2021. “Backchannels in Video-Mediated ELF Conversations : A Case Study”. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 10(1): 113–40. DOI: 10.1515/jelf-2021-2055
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier & Mario Cal Varela. 2021. "Referring to other participants in asynchronous online discussions: Citation patterns in a Higher Education context". In Iris Hendrickx, Lieke Verheijen & Lidwien van de Wiingaert, eds. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora (CMC-Corpora 2021), Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands). Nijmegen: Radboud University, p. 35.
Cal Varela, Mario & Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2022. "Referring to other participants in asynchronous online discussions: Citation patterns in a Higher Education context". Psychology of Language and Communication 26(1): 353-374. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2022-17.
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2023. "Balancing expert and peer-student identities in online discussion forums". In Louis Cotgrove, Laura Hezberg, Haral Lüngen & Ines Pisetta, eds. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (CMC-Corpora 2023), 14–15 September 2023, University of Mannheim, Germany. Mannheim: Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, pp. 78-82. ISBN: 978-3-937241-95-1. DOI: 10.14618/1z5k-pb25
Fernández Polo, Francisco Javier. 2024 (First publised in 2023). "If you look at the table...: Directives in conference presentations and university lectures". International Journal of Applied Linguistics 34/2: 501-517. DOI: 10.1111/ijal.12504

Lidia Gómez García
Gómez García, Lidia, Núñez Pertejo, Paloma e Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez. 2010. “Linguas e Programa Erasmus”. En Rodríguez Rodríguez, Xesús (eds.), O Programa Erasmus na construción da cidanía europea. Unha mirada dende Compostela. Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicaciones da USC, pp. 75-89.
Cal Varela, Mario, Francisco Javier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García and Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez (eds.). 2010. Current Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning. An International Perspective. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10) I.4438 1967-0, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-1967.1
Gómez García, Lidia. 2010. Review of Balteiro Fernández, Isabel. 2007. The Directionality of Conversion in English: a Dia-Synchronic Study. Bern: Peter Lang. English Studies Volume 91/2. DOI: 10.1080/00138380903363662, pp. 234-236
Gómez García, Lidia. 2010. "The importance of needs analysis in syllabus and course design. The CMC_project: a case in point". In Pérez Ruiz, Leonor, Parrado Román, Isabel and Tabarés Pérez, Patricia (eds.), Estudios de Metodología de la Lengua Inglesa (V). Valladolid: Centro Buendía, Universidad de Valladolid. ISBN 978-84-8448-531-5, pp. 101-111.
Argondizzo, Carmen, Anna Maria de Bartolo, Lidia Gómez García, Martiña Piñeiro de la Torre and Isabel Figueiredo-Silva. 2013. "Intercultural Communication in Academic and Professional Settings: Voices from Two European Projects". In Carmen Argondizzo et al. (eds.), Creativity and Innovation in Language Education. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-0343-1080-2, pp. 171-192.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (dir.), Rosa Alonso Alonso, Mario Cal Varela, Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Francisco Xabier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García, Paula López Rúa, Yonay Rodríguez Rodríguez & José Ramón Varela Pérez. 2019. Diccionario electrónico de enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas. (Available online: ISBN: 9788409109715.
Amengual Pizarro, Marian (main editor), Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Karen Jacob and Lidia Gómez García (copyeditors). 2022. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 21.
Amengual Pizarro, Marian (main editor), Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Karen Jacob and Lidia Gómez García (copyeditors). 2023. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 22.

Elsa M. González Álvarez
Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, Lachlan Mackenzie and Elsa González Álvarez, eds. 2008. Current Trends in Contrastive Linguistics: Funcional and Cognitive Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 789027215710.
Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, Lachlan Mackenzie and Elsa González Álvarez. 2008. "Introduction". In Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, Lachlan Mackenzie and Elsa González Álvarez, eds. Current Trends in Contrastive Linguistics: Funcional and Cognitive Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 789027215710.
Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, Lachlan Mackenzie and Elsa González Álvarez, eds. 2008. Languages and cultures in Contrast and Comparison. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027254191.
Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, Lachlan Mackenzie and Elsa González Álvarez. 2008. "Introduction". In Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, Lachlan Mackenzie and Elsa González Álvarez, eds. Languages and cultures in Contrast and Comparison. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027254191.

Doval Suárez, Susana M. and Elsa González Álvarez. 2008.  "Categorías semánticas de AT en la lengua escrita de hablantes nativos y no-nativos de inglés". En
Rafael Monroy Casas y Aquilino Sánchez Pérez, eds. 25 Años de Lingüística Aplicada en España: Hitos y Retos. Murcia: Editum, pp. 81-86.
González Álvarez, Elsa
and Susana M. Doval Suárez. 2008. "Testing the Cognitive categorisation of 'at' in Native and Non-Native English Speakers. Evidence from a Corpus Study". The Linguistics Journal  3(1): 100-135. ISSN 1718-2298 .
Doval Suárez, Susana M. a nd Elsa González Álvarez. 2011.  "Take + Noun Sequences in Native and Learner Written Data"RAEL 10 (2011): 55-68.
Taboada, Maite, Susana M. Doval Suárez and Elsa González Álvarez. 2012.  "Functional and corpus perspectives in contrastive discourse analysis". Linguistics and the Human Sciences  6: 1-16. ISSN 1742-2906.
Doval Suárez, Susana M. and Elsa González Álvarez. 2012. "The use of it-clefts in the written production of Spanish advanced learners of English". Linguistics and the Human Sciences 6: 151-172. ISSN 1742-2906.
Taboada, Maite, Susana M. Doval Suárez and Elsa González Álvarez., eds. 2013.  Contrastive Discourse Analysis: Functional and Corpus Perspectives. Sheffield: Equinox, 143-163. ISBN 978-1-908049-75-9.
Doval Suárez, Susana M. and Elsa González Álvarez. 2013.  "The use of it-clefts in the written production of Spanish advanced learners of English". In Maite Taboada et al., eds. Contrastive Discourse Analysis: Functional and Corpus Perspectives. Sheffield: Equinox, pp. 143-163. ISBN 978-1-908049-75-9.
González Álvarez, Elsa and Susana M. Doval Suárez. 2016. "The use of extraposition in the written production of Spanish advanced learners of English". The Linguistics Journal 10(1): 5-27. 
Doval Suárez, Susana M. and Elsa González Álvarez. 2018.  “The use of tag questions in the oral production of L2 English learners”. In Mª de los Ángeles Gómez González and J. Lachlan Mackenzie, eds. The Construction of Discourse as Verbal Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 145-170. ISBN 978-90-272-0141-6.

David González Gándara
González Gándara, David. 2015. "CLIL in Galicia: Repercussions on academic performance". Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning 8/1: 13-24.
González Gándara, David. 2017. "The role of the students in the CLIL classroom: A new perspective to identify types of tasks". International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 6/5: 5-10.
González Gándara, David. 2019. "A simple framework to the annotation of small corpora". Open Journal of Modern Linguistics 9(3): 206-214. DOI:

Begoña Jamardo Suárez
Jamardo Suárez, Begoña. 2010. "Liderazgo intercultura: El gran reto de la globalización". EDN 2010: 20-21.
Jamardo Suárez, Begoña. 2011. "Liderança intercultural: O grande desafio da globalização". 20 VALORES 1: 18-20.
Escotet Álvarez, Miguel Ángel, Verónica Rego López & Begoña Jamardo Suárez, eds. 2021. Después de la pandemia. Reflexiones y desafíos para Galicia / After the pandemic. Reflections and challenges for Galicia. A Coruña: IESIDE Ediciones. ISBN: 978-84-96982-77-2. (Bilingual edition)

Paula López Rúa
López Rúa, Paula. 2010. "Making and Breaking the Rules: Lexical Creativity in the Alternative Music Scene". Language Awareness, 19/1, pp. 51-67.
López Rúa, Paula. 2010. "Aprendizaxe cooperativa na universidade: a experiencia dun modelo híbrido na aula de idiomas". Innovación Educativa 20, pp. 49-59.
López Rúa, Paula. 2011. English Spelling for EFL Students. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. ISBN: 978-84-9887-551-5.
López Rúa, Paula. 2012. "Beyond all reasonable transgression: lexical blending in alternative music". In Renner, V., Maniez, F. and Arnaud, P., eds. Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Lexical Blending. Mouton Series "Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs". [TiLSM 252]. Amsterdam: Mouton, pp. 23-34.
López Rúa, Paula. 2014. “Swingvergüenzas A Contra Blues: A Study on Creative Code-mixing in Spanish Music”. In J.R. Calvo Ferrer & M.A. Campos, eds. Investigating Lexis: Vocabulary Teaching, ESP, Lexicography and Lexical Innovation. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 163-180.
López Rúa, Paula. 2015. “Posibilidades y limitaciones del aprendizaje cooperativo en el EEES: análisis de una experiencia en el aula de inglés”. Porta Linguarum. An International and Interuniversity Journal of Foreign Language Didactics 24(2): 163-177.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (dir.), Rosa Alonso Alonso, Mario Cal Varela, Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Francisco Xabier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García, Paula López Rúa, Yonay Rodríguez Rodríguez & José Ramón Varela Pérez. 2019. Diccionario electrónico de enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas. (Available online: ISBN: 9788409109715.
López Rúa, Paula. 2019. "VPS, Goodthink, Unwomen and Demoxie: Morphological Neologisms in Four Distopyan Novels". Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies 59: 117-136.
López Rúa, Paula. 2019. "From Carmageddon and Invizimals to SimCity and Digimon: Blending patterns in videogame titles". Complutense Journal of English Studies 27: 183-204.
López Rúa, Paula. 2021. "Men 😂 and Women ❤ on Twitter: A Preliminary Account of British Emoji Usage in Terms of Preferred Topics and Gender-Related Habits". Language@internet 19: article 3, 44-65.
López Rúa, Paula. 2021. "The Subjugation of Women through Lexical Innovation in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale". Feminismo/s 38: 23-51.
López Rúa, Paula. 2023. "Aprendiendo de la pandemia: una experiencia de aula invertida en la enseñanza universitaria de lenguas extranjeras”. In P. C. Muñoz Carril, C. Sarceda Gorgoso, E. J. Fuentes Abeledo, and E. M. Barreira Cerqueiras, eds. La formación y la innovación educativa: ejes para la transformación social. Madrid: Dykinson S.L. ISBN: 978-84-1170-045-0, pp. 291-310. 

Tamilla Mammadova
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2014. "A four-stage assessment of AUL (Azerbaijan University of Languages) teachers' abilities to adapt innovative teaching approaches". Encuentro 23: 72-88.
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2015. "The treatment of English conversation grammar in modern advanced EFL textbooks". International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science 3/1: 55-70.
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2016. "Two approaches to the teaching of grammar and their implications". International Journal of Language Studies 10: 49-70.
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2017. “How is grammar presented in modern textbooks? Methods and techniques used.” In Sofia Bemposta, Carla Bouzada, Yolanda Fernández-Pena, Tamara Bouso, Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies & Ivan Tamaredo (eds.) New Trends and Methodologies in Applied English Language Research III: Synchronic and Diachronic Studies on Discourse, Lexis and Grammar Processing. (Linguistic Insights Series). Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783034327107, pp. 185-204.
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2017. “Paramedic Method – Facilitator between argumentative reading and writing”ESP Professional 1: 12-15. 
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2018. "Smartphones and their role in the modern classroom". Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, 15(2):5-14. 
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2019. Teaching grammar to a grammar-free generation. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-5275-2288-6.
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2020. "Writing and Information Literacy: Major steps to impede the use of unrealiable sources for academic purposes". Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies 690/1: 163-176.
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2020. Exploring English Language Teaching in Post-Soviet Era Countries: Perspectives for Azerbaijan. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN: 9780367480318; 180 pp.
Mammadova, Tamilla, ed. 2021. Cultural Diversity in Cross-Cultural Settings: A Global Approach. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-5275-7374-1.
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2021. "Discourse particles as cultural phenomena of intercultural communication breakdown". In Tamilla Mammadova, ed. Cultural Diversity in Cross-Cultural Settings: A Global Approach. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.65-89. ISBN: 978-1-5275-7374-1.
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2021. Review of Mónica Cabrera and José Camacho, eds. 2019. Exploring Interfaces. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. English Studies 102(6): 874-876. DOI:
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2022. Academic Writing and Information Literacy Instruction in Digital Environments: A Complementary Approach. Switzerland: Springer Nature, Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-031-19160-2.
Mammadova, Tamilla & Amy Wetterau Zhupikof. 2022. Teacher Self-Reflection as a Result of Peer Observation-Feedback Model. Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies 698(1): 37–50.
Mammadova, Tamilla, ed . 2023. Academic Mobility through the Lens of Language and Identity, Global Pandemics, and Distance Internationalization: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781032431796, 292 pp.
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2023. "Shaping European Identity via Mobility Exchange Programs for CIS Country Students". In Tamilla Mammadova, ed. Academic Mobility through the Lens of Language and Identity, Global Pandemics, and Distance Internationalization: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Mammadova, Tamilla, Fadaya Yagnaliyeva, Nazrin Heydarova & Nurtaj Aliyeva. 2023. "Translaguaging - a birth of new languages or a threat to language loss?: The analysis of in-migrant and out-migrant contexts". FIRE: Futuristic Implementations of Research in Education 4(1): 27-38. 
Mammadova, Tamilla, Aynur Rahimli & Parviz Sunatulloev. 2023. "Azerbaijan's Impending Migration Challenge: How to get prepared and what to expect?" Baku Dialogues 6(2): 118-132.

Emma Nemishalyan
Nemishalyan, Emma and Zaruhi Soghomonyan. 2023. “Corpus-based Analysis of the Use of the Passive Voice by Armenian Learners”. European Journal of Teaching and Education 5(2): 36-52. DOI:

Ignacio Palacios Martínez
Gómez García, Lidia, Núñez Pertejo, Paloma e Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez. 2010. “Linguas e Programa Erasmus”. In Rodríguez Rodríguez, Xesús (eds.), O Programa Erasmus na construción da cidanía europea. Unha mirada dende Compostela. Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicaciones da USC, pp. 75-89.
Cal Varela, Mario, Francisco Javier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García and Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez (eds.). 2010. Current Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning. An International Perspective. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10) I.4438 1967-0, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-1967.1
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2010. "It ain't nothing to do with my school. Variation and Pragmatic Uses of ain't in the Language of British English Teenagers". English Studies 91/5: 548-566.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2010. "Propostas para a formación de futuros docentes de linguas. Unha achega desde a Facultade de Filoloxía da USC". En Silva, Benito, Rodríguez, Xesús e Vaquero, Isabel. Educación e linguas en Galicia. Servicio de Publicacións da USC/Xunta de Galicia. ISBN 978-9887-535-5, pp. 157-164.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2010. “Dell Hathaway Hymes: Un gran humanista adelantado a su tiempo”. A Tribute to Dell Hathaway Hymes. Nexus AEDEAN 2010/1, pp. 119-126.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2011. "The Expression of Negation in British Teenagers' Language: A Preliminary Study". Journal of English Linguistics 39.1: 4-35.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2011. “The Language of British Teenagers. A Preliminary Study of its Main Grammatical Features”. Atlantis 33.1: 105-126.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2011. "'I might, I might go I mean it depends on money things and stuff'. A preliminary analysis of general extenders in British teenagers’ discourse." Journal of Pragmatics 43/9: 2452-2470.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio and Núñez Pertejo, Paloma. 2012. "He’s absolutely massive. It’s a super day. Madonna, she is a wicked singer. Youth language and intensification. A corpus-based study". Text and Talk 32.6: 773-796.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2013. Review of Herrera Soler, Honesto, Rosario Martínez Arias & Marian Amengual Pizarro. 2011. Estadística aplicada a la investigación lingüística (Statistics Applied to Language Research). Madrid: Editorial EOS, 376 pages. ISBN: 978-84-9727-430-2. Vigo International Journal Applied Linguistics (VIAL). Volume 10, pp. 131-135.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2013. "Zero quoting in the speech of British and Spanish teenagers: A
contrastive corpus-based study"
. Discourse Studies 15.4: 439-462.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2013. "Non-standard Negation in Modern English. A Corpus-based Study of Four Salient Features". ES Revista de Filología Inglesa 33: 211-225.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez. 2013. "How Are Spoken Skills Assessed in Proficiency Tests of General English as a Second Language? A Preliminary Survey". International Journal of English Studies (IJES) 13/2: 53-68.
Núñez Pertejo, Paloma and Ignacio Palacios Martínez. 2014. "That's absolutely crap, totally rubbish. The use of the intensifiers absolutely and totally in the spoken language of British adults and teenagers". Functions of Language 21.2: 210-237.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio and Núñez Pertejo, Paloma. 2014. "Strategies used by English and Spanish teenagers to intensify language: A contrastive corpus-based study". Spanish in Context 11.2.: 175-201.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2014. "La motivación en el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. ¿Qué podemos hacer con alumnos desmotivados?". Mosaico 32: 20-28.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2014. "The quotative system in Spanish and English youth talk. A contrastive corpus-based study". Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies 49: 95-114.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2015. "Variation, development and pragmatic uses of innit in the language of British adults and teenagers". English Language and Linguistics 19/3: 383-405.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio and Núñez Pertejo, Paloma. 2015. "Go up to Miss thingy. He's probably like a whatsit or something. Placeholders in focus. The differences in use between teenagers and adults in spoken English". Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association 25/3: 425-451 .
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2015. Review of Stenström, Anna-Brita. 2014. Teenage Talk: From General Characteristics to the Use of Pragmatic Markers in a Contrastive Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Pragmática Sociocultural / Sociocultural Pragmatics 3(1):120-125.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2016. "He don't like football, does he? A corpus-based study of third person singular don't in the language of British teenagers". In Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez, eds. World Englishes: New Theoretical and Methodological Considerations (Varieties of English around the World). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027249173; pp. 61-84.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2016. "Describing teen talk across languages. A preliminary corpus-based study". In Carmen Spiegel and Daniel Gysin, eds. Jugendsprache in Schule, Medien und Alltag. Frankfurt am Main: Lang Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-631-65706-5, pp. 395-410.
López Couso, María José, Belén Méndez Naya, Belén, Paloma Núñez Pertejo & Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2016. Corpus Linguistics on the Move: Exploring and Understanding English through Corpora (Language and Computers Series 79). Amsterdam: Brill/Rodopi. ISBN: 9789004308077.
López Couso, María José, Belén Méndez Naya, Belén, Paloma Núñez Pertejo & Ignacio Palacios Martínez. 2016. “From the fringe to the mainstream: English corpus linguistics moving ahead”. In María José López Couso et al., eds. Corpus Linguistics on the Move: Exploring and Understanding English through Corpora (Language and Computers Series 79). Amsterdam: Brill/Rodopi. ISBN: 9789004308077, pp. 1-18.
Rojo, Guillermo and Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2016. "Learner Spanish on Computer. The CAES 'Corpus de Aprendices de Español' Project". In Alonso-Ramos, Margarita (ed.), Spanish Learner Corpus Research. Current Trends and Future Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 55-86.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2016. "He was a wicked teacher. It’s bare addictive. This is me: ‘Go home innit’. Teenagers as Linguistic Innovators. An Overview of British Teen Talk". APABAL Magazine 6: 23-27.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2016. "Negative intensification in the spoken language of British adults and teenagers. A corpus-based study". Nordic Journal of English Studies 15/4: 45-77.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2017.  "Negative concord in the language of British adults and teenagers". English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 38/2: 153-181.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio & José Antonio Sánchez Fajardo, invited eds. 2017. English as a contact language: Variation and diffusion. Special issue, Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 30.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio & José Antonio Sánchez Fajardo. 2017. "Introduction: Gaining insights into English as a contact language and its diffusion". Special issue of the Revista Alicantica de Estudios Ingleses 30: 5-22.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2017. "The emergence of a new variety of English: The Multicultural London English". Nexus-AEDEAN 2017/2: 37-53.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2018. "Lexical innovation in the language of teenagers. A cross-linguistic perspective". In Arne Ziegler, ed. Jugendsprachen: Aktuelle Perspektiven internationaler Forschung [‘Youth languages: Current perspectives in international research’]. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 978 3110470047, pp. 363-390
Seoane, Elena, Carlos Acuña Fariña and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2018. Subordination in English. Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives (Topics in English Linguistics). Berlin: De Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-058103-4.
Acuña Fariña, Carlos, Ignacio Palacios Martínez and Elena Seoane. 2018. "Subordination, or the permanent allure of the 'adjacent possible'". In Seoane, Elena, Carlos Acuña-Fariña and Ignacio Palacios-Martínez, eds. 2018. Subordination in English. Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives (Topics in English Linguistics). Berlin: De Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-058103-4, pp. 1-21.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2018. "Help me move to that, blood. A corpus-based study of the syntax and pragmatics of vocatives in the language of British teenagers". Journal of Pragmatics 130: 33-50.
Núñez Pertejo, Paloma & Ignacio Palacios Martínez. 2018. "Intensifiers in MLE: New trends and developments". Nordic Journal of English Studies 17(2): 116-155.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2019. "Vernon never called for me yesterday. A study of never as a marker of negation in the English of London adults and teenagers". English Text Construction 12/2: 291-319.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (dir.), Rosa Alonso Alonso, Mario Cal Varela, Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Francisco Xabier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García, Paula López Rúa, Yonay Rodríguez Rodríguez & José Ramón Varela Pérez. 2019. Diccionario electrónico de enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas. (Available online: ISBN: 9788409109715.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio, Mario Barcala & Guillermo Rojo. 2019. "El Corpus de Aprendices de Español (CAES) y sus aplicaciones para la enseñanza/aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera". In Marta Blanco, Hella Olbertz & Victoria Vázquez Rozas, eds. Corpus y construcciones. Perspectivas hispánicas, Verba: Anuario Galego de Filoloxía. Anexo 79: 273-301.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2020. "Methods of data collection in English empirical linguistics research: Results of a recent survey". Language Sciences 78. (Available online since December 27, 2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.langsci.2019.101263
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio & Mario Cal Varela. 2020. "Designing and compiling a terminological and multilingual dictionary for language teaching and learning. Key issues and some reflections". In María José Domínguez, Mónica Mirazo & Carlos Valcárcel, eds.  Studies on Multilingual Lexicography (Lexicographica series), vol. 157. Berlin, Boston: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 197-212. DOI: 10.1515/9783110607659-011. ISBN: 9783110604672.
Lázaro, Alberto, Montserrat Martínez, Ignacio Palacios y Marian Amengual. 2020. "Up for debate: English tests in the Spanish university entrance exams". In Pilar Guerrero Medina, Macarena Palma & María Valero Redondo, eds. Advances in English and American Studies: Current Developments and New Trends. Córdoba: Córdoba University Press, pp. 209-214.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2020. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 17. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2021. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 18. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio
. 2021. "Taboo vocatives in the language of London teenagers". Pragmatics 31(2): 250-277. DOI:
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2021. "Recent changes in London English. An overview of the main lexical, grammar and discourse features of Multicultural London English (MLE)". Complutense Journal of English Studies 29: 1-20.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2021. "Familiarisers and taboo vocatives in Twitter discourse". In Iris Hendrickx, Lieke Verheijen & Lidwien van de Wiingaert, eds. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora (CMC-Corpora 2021), Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands). Nijmegen: Radboud University, p. 83.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio & Paloma Núñez Pertejo. 2022. "Teenagers and Social Networking. Twitter as a Data Source for the Study of the Language of London Teenagers and Young Adults". In Groff et al., eds. Global Perspectives on Youth Language Practices. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 85-104. ISBN: 9781501520778.
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2022. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 19. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Rojo, Guillermo and Ignacio Palacios Martínez. 2022. "Los corpus de aprendientes de español como L2". In Giovanni Parodi & Pascual Cantos, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics. London: Routledge, pp. 74-88.
Cancelas León, Idoya and Ignacio Palacios Martínez. 2022. Introducción. As clases de palabras en inglés e os principais procesos de formación de palabras. (Colección Unidades Didácticas; Servizo de Normalización Lingüística). Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico. ISBN: 9788419155139. 

Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2022. "El desarrollo de destrezas interculturales en el aula de inglés a través de una metodología didáctica basada en proyectos". Quaderni del Dipartamento di Linguistica. Approccio Umanistico e Creatività nella Didattica Universitaria: Riflessioni, Prospettive e Best Practice. Studi in onore di Carmen Argondizzo (edited by Anna Maria De Bartolo & Jean M. Jimenez) 30: 77-118. ISSN 1128-7675.
Rojo, Guillermo, Ignacio Palacios Martínez, María Sampedro Mella & Aurélie Marsily. 2023. "Los corpus de aprendices de español LE/L2: panorama actual y perspectivas futuras / L2 Spanish learner corpora: current overview and future perspectives". Journal of Spanish Language Teaching. DOI: 10.1080/23247797.2022.2157085
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2023. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 20. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2023. "A syntactic and pragmatic study of nominal vocatives in the Twitter exchanges of rappers' fans". Journal of Pragmatics 207: 93-110. DOI 10.1016/j.pragma.2023.02.004
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2023. "Multicultural London English (MLE) as perceived by the press, on social media, and speakers themselves". Research in Corpus Linguistics (RiCL) 11(1): 116-146. DOI 10.32714/ricl.11.01.05
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio. 2024. Review of Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change: Theory, Innovations Contact. Elizabeth Peterson, Turo Hiltunen, and Joseph Kern (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2022 (Hardback), ISBN: 978-1-108-83620-3. Corpus Pragmatics 8: 149-155. DOI: 10.1007/s41701-023-00157-8
Alonso Alonso, Rosa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. 2024. Vial (Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics) 21. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio and Paloma Núñez Pertejo. 2024. "The role of age in the Twitter discourse of British rappers and singers". In Stefania Machi & Giovanni Garofalo, eds. Investigating Discourse and Text. Corpus-Assisted Analytical Perspectives. Laussanne, Switzerland: Peter Lang, pp. 251-286.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio and Ana Fernández Dobao. 2024. "La flexión de género en ELE. Aportaciones e implicaciones didácticas de un estudio de corpus/Inflection of gender in Spanish as a foreign language. Contributions and didactic implications of a corpus study"Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 19:132-147.
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio
and Paloma Núñez Pertejo. 2024. "Novas prácticas lingüísticas dos falantes urbanos mozos de Londres e Madrid. Un estudo contrastivo baseado en corpus". Estudos de Lingüística Galega, 16. DOI: 10.15304/elg.16.9669

Martiña Piñeiro de la Torre
Roca Varela, María Luisa, Piñeiro de la Torre, Martiña and Gigirey Liste, Inmaculada. 2010. "New insights into the teaching of spoken language. A typology for the classification and development of oral tasks". In Pérez Ruiz, Leonor, Parrado Román, Isabel and Tabarés Pérez, Patricia (eds.), Estudios de Metodología de la Lengua Inglesa (V). Valladolid: Centro Buendía, Universidad de Valladolid. ISBN 978-84-8448-531-5, pp. 35-44.
Piñeiro de la Torre, Martiña. 2010. "The teaching of phrasal and phrasal prepositional verbs in the Spanish context: a case study with EFL bachillerato materials". In Bueno Alonso, José Luis (coord.), Actas del XXVIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA). Vigo: Universidad de Vigo, pp. 311-319.
Argondizzo, Carmen, Anna Maria de Bartolo, Lidia Gómez García, Martiña Piñeiro de la Torre and Isabel Figueiredo-Silva. 2013. "Intercultural Communication in Academic and Professional Settings: Voices from Two European Projects". In Carmen Argondizzo et al. (eds.), Creativity and Innovation in Language Education. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-0343-1080-2, pp. 171-192.

Eva Piñeiro Fariña
Piñeiro Fariña, Eva. 2020. "Language contact. The influence of English in the Hispanic community of the United States". Nexus AEDEAN 2020(1): 74-75.
Piñeiro Fariña, Eva. 2021. Recensión de Carmen García Luján, ed. 2021. Anglicismos en los nuevos medios de comunicación. Tendencias actuales. Granada: Comares, ISBN: 9788413691459, 162 pp. RAEL (Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada) 20: 177-181.
Piñeiro Fariña, Eva. 2023. [Abstract - III AEDEAN DOCTORAL SEMINAR (2022)]. "Language Contact: The Influence of English on the Hispanic Community of the United States". Nexus-AEDEAN 2023(1): 128-129.

María Luisa Roca Varela
Roca Varela, María Luisa, Piñeiro de la Torre, Martiña and Gigirey Liste, Inmaculada. 2010. "New insights into the teaching of spoken language. A typology for the classification and development of oral tasks". In Pérez Ruiz, Leonor, Parrado Román, Isabel and Tabarés Pérez, Patricia (eds.), Estudios de Metodología de la Lengua Inglesa (V). Valladolid: Centro Buendía, Universidad de Valladolid. ISBN 978-84-8448-531-5, pp. 35-44.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa . 2010. “The problem of false friends in learner language: Evidence from two learner corpora”. In Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel, Crespo García, Begoña, Lareo Martín, Inés and Lojo Sandino, Paula (eds.), Language Windowing through Corpora. Visualización del lenguaje a través de corpus. Coruña: Universidad da Coruña. ISBN: 978-84-9749-401-4, pp. 717-729.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa. 2010. "A study of learner language. A preliminary analysis of the use of English-Spanish false friends by Spanish Students of English". In Caballero, Rosario and Pinar, María Jesús (eds.), Ways and Modes of Human Communication. Cuenca: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha y AESLA. ISBN: 978-84-8427-759-0, pp. 375-382.
Roca Varela, María Luisa. 2011. Reseña de Pedro José Chamizo Domínguez. 2008. Semantics and Pragmatics of False Friends. 2010. New York, London: Routledge. Odisea, nº 11. ISSN 1578-3820, pp. 343-346.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa. 2011. "Intralingual false friends: British English and American English as a case in point". In Chris Cummins, Chi-Hé Elder, Thomas Godard, Morgan Macleod, Elaine Schmidt & George Walkden (eds.). Proceedings of the Sixth Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research. Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of Language Research,, pp 132-138.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa.
2011. “Teaching and learning “false friends”: a review of some useful resources.” Revista Encuentro 20. ISSN 1989-0796, pp. 80-87
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa. 2011. "Corpora as tools and resources for the teaching of English vocabulary". In María Luisa Carrió Pastor & Miguel Ángel Candel Mora, eds. Las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones: presente y futuro en el análisis de corpora. Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 751-761.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa. 2012.Corpus Linguistics and Language Teaching: Learning English Vocabulary through Corpus Work”. ES. Revista de Filología Inglesa 33. ISSN: 0210-9689, pp. 285-300.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa and Ignacio Palacios Martínez. 2013. "How Are Spoken Skills Assessed in Proficiency Tests of General English as a Second Language? A Preliminary Survey". International Journal of English Studies (IJES) 13/2: 53-68.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa. 2013."High-frequency English words in spoken learner language: Actual, career and pretend as a case in point". In Chelo Vargas-Sierra, Corpus resources for descriptive and applied linguistics. Current challenges and future directions: Selected papers from the 5th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2013), Procedia-Social and Behavioural Sciences, 95: 557-562.
Rodríguez Puente, Paula, Teresa Fanego, Evelyn Gandón Chapela, Sara Riveiro Outeiral and Mª Luisa Roca Varela. 2014. Current research in Applied Linguistics: Issues on language and cognition. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN(10): 1-4438-5354-2, 301 pp.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa. 2014. "Faux amis in speech and writing: A corpus-based study of English false friends in the production of Spanish students". In Vandelanotte, Lieven, Kristin Davidse, Caroline Gentens and Ditte Kimps (eds). Recent Advances in Corpus Linguistics: Developing and Exploiting Corpora. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, pp. 293-307.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa. 2015. False Friends in Learner Corpora. A Corpus-Based Study of English False Friends in the Written and Spoken Production of Spanish Learners. Linguistic Insights Series. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-0343-1620-0.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa. 2015. "Unveiling vocabulary errors in non-native English". In M. Černá, J. Ivanová & Š. Ježková, eds. Learner Corpora and English Acquisition. Pardubice: University of Pardubice, pp.117-126.
Roca Varela, Mª Luisa. 2015. "English false friends at hand! Learning difficult English words through games/Falsos amigo en inglés: Cómo aprender palabras difíciles a través de juegos". Docencia e investigación 25/2: 47-65.

Yonay Rodríguez Rodríguez
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (dir.), Rosa Alonso Alonso, Mario Cal Varela, Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Francisco Xabier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García, Paula López Rúa, Yonay Rodríguez Rodríguez & José Ramón Varela Pérez. 2019. Diccionario electrónico de enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas. (Available online: ISBN: 9788409109715.
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Yonay. 2019. Review of Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes, Julie McAllister, Malory Leclère and Grégory Miras. 2019. Language Learning and Teaching in a Multilingual World. Series New Perspectives on Language and Education: 65. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. ISBN 978-1-78892-297-5 (204 pages). RAEL (Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada) 18/1: 121-125.

Raquel P. Romasanta
Romasanta, Raquel P. 2017. "Contact-induced variation in clausal verb complementation: the case of REGRET in World Englishes". Alicante Journal of English Studies 30: 122-149.
Romasanta, Raquel P. 2019. "Variability in verb complementation: Determinants of grammatical variation in indigenized L2 varieties of English". In Corpus Approaches into World Englishes and Language Contrasts (Studies in Variation, Contats and Change in English 20), ed. by Hanna Parviainen, Mark Kaunisto & Päivi Pahta. Helsinki: VARIENG.
Romasanta, Raquel P. 2019. " Innovation at the Grammar-lexis Intersection in World Englishes". Nordic Journal of English Studies 18(2): 1-36.
Romasanta, Raquel P.2021. "Substrate Language Influence in Postcolonial Asian Englishes and the Role of Transfer in the Complementation System". English Studies 102(8): 1151-1170. 
Romasanta, Raquel P. 2021. "Negation as a predictor of clausal complement choice in World Englishes". English Language and Linguistics 26(2): 307-329.
Romasanta, Raquel P. 2022. "'I regret lying' vs. 'I regret that I lied': Variation in the clausal complementation profile of regret in American and British English". Miscelánea 65: 37-58.
Romasanta, Raquel P. 2023. Probabilistic variability in clausal verb complementation in World Englishes. Berlin: Peter Lang.
Suárez-Gómez, Cristina and Raquel P. Romasanta. 2023. "Uncovering Variation in Word Englishes: Finite vs Non-finite Complementation of remember with Prospective Meaning". Alicante Journal of English Studies 39: 35-54.
Romasanta, Raquel P. 2023. "Regional syntactic variability in the complementation system of global varieties of English". In Social and Regional Variation in World Englishes: Local and Global Perspectives, ed. by Paula Rautionaho, Hanna Parviainen, Mark Kaunisto & Arja Nurmi, 66-90. New York/London: Routledge.
Romasanta, Raquel P. 2023. "A morphosyntactic approach to language contact in African varieties of English". Studia Neophilologica 95(1): 146-169. 
Romasanta, Raquel P. (in preparation). "A corpus-based approach to the complementation of retrospective verbs in World Englishes".
Sönning, Lukas, Jason Grafmiller, and Raquel P. Romasanta. (in preparation). "Regression and random forests: Synergies for variationist corpus research".
Romasanta, Raquel P. (in review). "A dialectological approach to syntactic variability in global web-based English".

Ekaterina Sinyashina
Sinyashina, Ekaterina. 2023. "Informal Use of Authentic Videos: The Gender Variable". In R. Jimenez Cortes and L. Triviño Cabrera, eds., Technologies, multimodality and media culture for gender equality. Advancing in digital transformation of education. Madrid(España): Dykinson S.L., pp. 83-109. ISBN 978-84-1170-356-7.  

Begoña Soneira Beloso
Soneira Beloso, Begoña. 2015. A Lexical Description of English for Architecture: a corpus –based approach. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-0343-1602-6 (print); 978-3-0351-0827-9 (eBook).
Soneira Beloso, Begoña. 2015. "Designing, Describing and Compiling a Corpus of English for Architecture". Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics: Current Work in Corpus Linguistics: Working with Traditionally-conceived Corpora and Beyond (CILC 2015). Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 198: 459–464.

José Ramón Varela Pérez
Varela Pérez, José Ramón. 2013. "Operator and Negative Contraction in Spoken British English: A Change in Progress." Bas Aarts, Joanne Close, Geoffrey Leech, and Sean Wallis (eds.). The Verb Phrase in English: Investigating Recent Language Change with Corpora. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 256-285. (ISBN: 972-95922-2-5).
Varela Pérez, José Ramón. 2014. "Comparative Corpus Linguistics: The Study of Current Grammatical Changes in English." Raquel Casesnoves, Montserrat Forcadell, and Núria Gavaldà (eds.). Ens queda la paraula Estudis de lingüística aplicada  en honor a M. Teresa Turell. Barcelona: Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada. 71-81. (ISBN: 978-84-9984-149-6).
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio (dir.), Rosa Alonso Alonso, Mario Cal Varela, Yolanda Calvo Benzies, Francisco Xabier Fernández Polo, Lidia Gómez García, Paula López Rúa, Yonay Rodríguez Rodríguez & José Ramón Varela Pérez. 2019. Diccionario electrónico de enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas. (Available online: ISBN: 9788409109715.


PhD Dissertations
Alonso Alonso, María Rosa. 1999. Language Transfer in Interlanguage with Special Reference to Adverbial Placement. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Lorenzo García, Lourdes. 1999. A Traducción ó Galego da Metáfora na Literatura Infantil/Xuvenil Contemporánea. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Vigo.
López Rúa, Paula. 2000. English Acronyms and Alphabetisms: A Prototype-based Approach with Special Reference to their Method of Formation, Realization, and Connections with Other Morphological Devices. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Martínez Insua, Ana E. 2003. Existential There-constructions in Present-day British English. A Corpus-Driven Analysis of their Use in Speech and Writing. Ph.D Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Cebreiros Álvarez, Ramiro. 2004. Empty Categories in the Interlanguage of Second and Foreign Spanish Learners of English. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Balteiro Fernández, María Isabel. 2005. Conversion in Present-day English. The Problem of Directionality and other Relevant Issues. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Fernández Dobao, Ana M. 2005. The Use of Communication Strategies by Spanish Learners of English. A Study of the Collaborative Creation of Meaning, Language and Linguistic Knowledge. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Fernández Carril, Raquel. 2010. English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in the Galician EFL Context. The Role and Importance of Vocabulary Learning Strategies. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Rodríguez Díaz, José Antonio. 2011. Anglicismos y germanismos en el lenguaje publicitario del español peninsular contemporáneo, 1998-2007. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Roca Varela, María Luisa. 2012.New Insights into the Study of English False Friends: Their Use and Understanding by Spanish Learners of English. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Soneira Beloso, Begoña. 2013. A Lexical Description of English for Architecture: A Corpus-based Approach. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Varela Pérez, José Ramón. 2014. Variation and change in negative constructions in contemporary British English: A corpus-based approach. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2016. The teaching and learning of English pronunciation in Spain. An analysis and appraisal of students’ and teachers’ views and teaching materials. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Cea Álvarez, Ana. 2016. Desarrollo de la competencia estratégica en el aprendizaje de la expresión oral de una lengua extranjera. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Mammadova, Tamilla. 2017. The teaching and learning of English Grammar in Azerbaijan at the University level. An analysis and appraisal of students' and teachers' views. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
González Gándara, David. 2019.
Discourse Analysis in the CLIL Classroom. The Effects of Task Dimensions on L2 Oral Performance. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Fernández Carballido, Xurxo. 2019. O ensino do portugués na Galiza. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Yonay. 2023. A Study of the Beliefs of University Students about Learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). PhD Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Piñeiro Fariña, María Eva. 2023. The influence of English on U.S. Spanish: A corpus-based study on the use of lexical anglicisms in the Hispanic digital press of the Northeast. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

MA Dissertations
López Rúa, Paula. 1997. English Acronyms and Alphabetisms: A Continuum-based Approach. MA Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Martínez Insua, Ana E. 1998. Existential There-constructions in Present-day English: A Corpus-based Study. MA Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Rodríguez Díaz, José Antonio. 1998. Anglicismos y Germanismos en el Español Peninsular. MA Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Fernández Dobao, Ana M. 1999. Communication Strategies Used by Galician Students in their Learning of English as a Foreign Language: A Case Study. MA Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Balteiro Fernández, María Isabel. 2000. On the So-called Conversion Processes in Present-day American English: A Corpus-based Approach. MA Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Fernández Carril, Raquel. 2002. Vocabulary and Pronunciation: Strategies Used by Galician Students in the Process of Learning English as a Foreign Language. MA Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Soneira Beloso, Begoña. 2002. Place Complements in Modern English: A Corpus-based Study. MA Thesis. IGI (Instituto Galego da Información, pertencente a Sargadelos).
Vega Carballido, Verónica. 2003. Non-basic Coordination in Modern English. A Corpus-based Study. MA Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Gómez García, Lidia María. 2004. It-cleft Constructions in Present-day English. A Corpus-based Study. MA Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Rodríguez Juíz, Vanesa. 2008. Addressing the reader: Commentary Devices in English and Spanish Hotel Websites. MA Thesis. The University of Manchester.
Roca Varela, María Luisa. 2009. A Corpus-Based Study of English False Friends in the Interlanguage of Spanish Learners. MA Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Calvo Benzies, Yolanda Joy. 2011. The Teaching and Learning of the Pronunciation of English in Spanish Secondary Schools and Universities. A Preliminary Analysis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.